The Gift of Music Program


How it works:

  1. You donate your unused musical instruments that are collecting dust in storage.

  2. We send them to professionals for cleaning and repair.

  3. We give the good-as-new instrument to a band or orchestra student whose family may struggle to afford to purchase an instrument.

About the Program:

The Gift of Music Program is a collaborative partnership between Friends of the Arts and the St. Louis Park Community Band, and is the brainchild of Jim Rhodes, saxophonist and longtime Friends of the Arts and Community Band board member. Jim developed this program because he wanted all children to experience the joy of making music regardless of their financial situation. It is scientifically proven that being a musician enhances students’ learning abilities, and is a great outlet for creative expression.

From its inception, the Gift of Music program has placed over 800 instruments into the hands of young St. Louis Park learners.

Have an instrument to donate? SEnd us a note!


Recently, Friends of the Arts was approached by friends of Melody Gilbert. Melody was a musician based out of the area for many years. When Melody passed, her friends and family held a benefit concert in her honor, and donated the proceeds to the Gift of Music. This incredibly kind gift also came with a matching donation, further helping the gift of Music's goal of getting instruments to kids who otherwise could not afford it. 

Please see the extended writeup on Melody here. To learn more about Melody's music, please click here: